
Modern Vim craft your development environment with Vim 8 and Neovim

Author(s)Neil, Drew

PublisherThe Pragmatic Bookshelf




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<p>Turn Vim into a full-blown development environment using Vim 8's new features and this sequel to the beloved bestseller <i>Practical Vim</i>. Integrate your editor with tools for building, testing, linting, indexing, and searching your codebase. Discover the future of Vim with Neovim: a fork of Vim that includes a built-in terminal emulator that will transform your workflow. Whether you choose to switch to Neovim or stick with Vim 8, you'll be a better developer.</p><p>A serious tool for programmers and web developers, no other text editor comes close to Vim for speed and efficiency. Make Vim the centerpiece of a Unix-based IDE as you discover new ways to work with Vim 8 and Neovim in more than 20 hands-on tips.</p><p>Execute tasks asynchronously, allowing you to continue in Vim while linting, grepping, building a project, or running a test suite. Install plugins to be loaded on startup - or on-demand when you need them - with Vim 8's new package support. Save and restore...


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